

We believe in a constructivist, play based approach to learning with explicit teaching embedded within. 

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Inquiry Base Learning

We have a hands-on approach to learning and immerse children in what we are  studying. We consider the physical, emotional, and cultural development of each child.

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Foundation Building

The first years of a child’s life is by far the most significant in helping to lay the foundation for the rest of their lives.

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Come Learn and Play With Us!


Giving Tree Family Learning Center exists to mirror the way children learn and grow. We beautifully intertwine a play based program with explicit instruction.

We do not have a one size fits all model. We access where each kid is beginning and build our curriculum around their needs.

The goal is that each child leaves our program surpassing the kindergarten requirements.

We are able to accomplish this through our small group size which provides an intimate and personalized learning experience.

Our small group size provides the most ideal opportunities for our children to construct their own understanding of the world around them.

Each week, there will be a new theme. Within this theme, there will be many learning opportunities available to students in gross motor, fine motor, dramatic play, and other experiences.


Contact Us

If you would like to schedule a tour, contact us. We are looking forward in hearing from you.